Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday!

May 3rd is my day, a day where people celebrate my birth. How cool is that? :) This year was my 22nd year of being alive and again (unfortunately) I had to spend it without Jared.  This is the 4th one in the 6 years of our relationship. 2005: He had to work and couldn't make it down to SV. 2006: He was in California for the Marines. 2007: He was in Iraq. Last but not least 2010: He was stuck in CA trying to get the Marine Corps to release him 8 months after his out date! Crazy right?!
Never fear though I was very well loved and my family made the day extra special.

Jared's mom took the day off of work and took me to Idaho Falls for some lunch at the Firehouse grill, and a day of shopping. She was so nice to treat me to so many things. She bought me some clothes and some frangrance wall flowers for my room from Bath and Body works. I really enjoyed my day shopping with her and an awesome lunch. I think we ate at least 7 pounds of food. we were definately waddling out of the restaurant haha. After our day in the falls we headed home so I could have dinner with my family. I had driven my car to my parents house so I didn't need a ride back to Afton and the next party began. My lovely sister made me the cake that I had special requested, and she Marinated chicken for dinner. What party is complete with out some party hats?! My nephew obliged and rounded up a few. The love didn't stop there...I had several cards come in the mail that I appreciated so much. I'm happy that I was thought of. Jared's grandparents even sent me a cherry pie with my birthday card!
Here are a few photo's from my day!

Shopping with Mama Maud
Yummy Dinner! As you can see not everyone was happy to party. She left early haha
Little Roo is my party animal!
Jourdon looking a little Beaky :)
My Funfetti cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting
My Ice Cream & Cake Dance!
This party wasn't complete without Birthday cake ice cream, It was amazing
Greg & I
Brittney, Jourdon, and I
The Party Clan
Time to cut the cake. Happy Birthday to me!

1 comment:

Kaylee and Phil said...

LOL I love that you pointed out that "not everyone was happy to party". I wouldn't have even noticed her if you didn't say something. I'm assuming she doesn't read your blog?! lol you crack me up!