Saturday, May 22, 2010


On April 26th I had to go drop my car off at the auto body shop so they could replace the bumper. It took a minute to get the rental car established but they finally got it all together and I had a Hundai Elantra for 4 days.
On our way back from Jackson we met my dad in Alpine and went out on the boat fishing for a few hours. Fishing is like therapy for my dad and it's really fun being out there with him. It's like he is in his element and is just having a great time. I look forward to more fishing trips this summer but hopefully Jared will be able to attend. Here are some pictures from the day :)
Jourdon caught the first fish of the day
Rayden and Kara
My Brother Greg happy as can be to be out on the lake
Rayden eating an oreo even though he wasn't supposed to. (His mom is the one who gave it to him)
Reeling in my catch of the day
Rayden Driving the boat
Kara hates fish but I made her hold it. She was eeked out
Papa and I
Rayden wishing he would get a bite
Greg is such a good Daddy
Jourdon and I
My sister is the best!
Dad is like fish filleter king.

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