Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brad Paisley, Miranda Lambert, Justin Moore

On Friday Feb. 19th I had the opportunity to go to Los Angeles to see Brad Paisley in Concert. AMAZING!! If you like country music and have the chance..his American Saturday Night Tour is so worth it! I went with a friend of mine that I don't get to see that often so that was really fun to experience that with her.

We bought our tickets on ticket master a couple of weeks before and I thought we had a pretty good view for the price (the tickets were only $58 for the lower level off the floor). It was a sideview right next to the stage. I didn't want to drive home at midnight by myself so I talked Jared into just getting a hotel in Los Angeles with me. Then we could go sight seeing the next day. He was happy to do that, so he dropped Carla and I off so we didn't have to pay $30 for parking. Our hotel was like a mile away from the Staples Center so he just hung out and watched tv until we were done. LA is so exciting and so scary all at the same time, the people are so dang rude too but we will get to that. ;) After we got dropped off Carla and I ran to check in. The line wasn't near as long as I thought it was going to be but we didn't want to take any chances of missing anything. After going through security the lady scanned our tickets and said they were declined and that we had to go back outside to the box office. Carla was panicing a little bit about this because we already paid, I assumed that they just wanted to see our Id's. So when we got to the Box office she scanned in our tickets and printed new ones without any problems. As we were walking away Carla asked if these were our tickets so I looked a little closer. They weren't, they were better! A lady ushering the line asked if they upgraded our seats and we grinned as we nodded. I asked her why and she said that sometimes when a section is filled up or they don't have enough people to fill it then they move people around. We just so happened to get moved to CENTER STAGE FLOOR! When we walked in Justin Moore was singing and warming up the crowd. There were at least 13,000 bodies there that night, WOW. That boy could drop it low better than anyone I have ever seen, and he was in tight tight wranglers! It was impressive haha. After he was finished Miranda Lambert sang for about an hour. If you don't have her cd revolution I reccomend it. The song "house that built me" is my new found favorite!  I love country people like makes me feel at home :) When she was done, Brad did an amazing 2 hour performance with almost every great hit he has. His stage was so fun and played videos that matched what his songs had to say. It was incredible, even more so that we were so close. It was a small world experience too because the people in front of us were from Rock Springs, WY!

After the concert the craziness began. We were on the phone with Jared trying to find where he was in the middle of the thousands of people. While we were waiting to cross the street this guy in front of us decided that it would be a good idea to pour an entire bottle of water all over the girl he was with. Well that also meant that it got my entire left side of my body wet too. I was a little upset because I had my iphone in my pocket and he got the side of my new camera wet. He didn't seem to care so I said "excuse me could you please be a little more considerate of the others around you?" and he looked at me and said "Get over it Bitch!" I was so taken back. All I wanted was an apology for getting me wet and possibly ruining my camera. So I got pissed and we started yelling. I said "NO I will not get over it, you got my new $700 camera wet!" and he said " Boo Hoo go buy a new one!" Oh my goodness...I almost punched the man in the middle of downtown LA. While all this was happening Carla was on the phone with Jared as he listened to me almost whoop some butt. Then all of a sudden some girl came up to his window and knocked on it. Jared rolled it down and she looked at him and said "Move this F'in piece of S!@# you A$$%^&; I have to get on the bus!" Jared was shocked because he didn't do anything wrong. After she walked away he got honked at by two different cars who yelled the same thing out the window. They said "Move A$$%^&; Learn how to drive that F&;*(^* Piece of S%^&!" He was so taken back because he was pulled off the side of the road. Well then a cop came up to him and practically yelled "Sir you need to move now!" Jared politely said "Ok I am sorry I just was waiting for my wife to cross the street to pick her up." Cop:" Well I said Move so move now!" so Jared flipped on his blinker and was waiting for traffic to clear so he could safely pull out into the road. Then he hears from the cop again "I SAID MOVE!" we couldn't believe it! At the same time we were both getting yelled at because of the rudness from people in LA. It just instilled in me more than ever that I can't wait to be back in the country where people actually care about their neighbor. Well I hope you enjoyed this long post haha Sorry for the length, it was an exciting night for me! Pictures will be another post :)

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