Saturday, October 10, 2009

Arizona Float Trip

On Friday September 25th after work I rushed home to pack up a duffel bag to go out of town once again. Jared got home from work and Tyler met us at our house, then we loaded up the car to leave for the weekend to Arizona. Unfortunately, we got a pretty late start on the trip since we left at almost 7:00 pm after stopping to get something to eat and what not. The drive went well with only a couple of stops, so it put us in AZ at like 12:30 am. We finally crawled into bed around 2 after saying our hello's and then woke up bright and early the next morning (it was like 7) to head to the river. We planned this trip before we went to Vegas for my cousin's wedding, because it would be the last weekend of the year to go float down the Salt River.

We loaded up a couple of coolers, drove out to our destination, Rented 7 tubes, and climbed aboard a bus full of tubes and excited people. The bus driver was litterally like Otto off of the Simpson's cartoon. He drove like a maniac, and as soon as everyone was unloaded he yelled "Have a GREAT time!" then litterally "drifted" or squealed a half circle out of the parking lot. IN A BUS! It was insane lol. There was a lot of people there but apparently not as much as usual. It was like a huge party on the river, people rigged up coolers with speakers on the outsides and cd players on the inside. It worked good for us because we had good music the entire 5 1/2 hour float.

Excited and Ready to Go!

Holly and I while we stopped in the shade.

After tying most of our tubes together we headed down the relaxing adventure. There were a few places where there were rapids but nothing massive and it just gave me the case of the giggle really. Holly and I tried to sit on the same tube a couple of times to take a picture and almost fell it. It was awesome. Towards the very end of the trip there is a small cave type thing in the cliff side where people can climb up and jump off. The river becomes extremely deep near this so it's ok. Jared, Tyler, and Trevor wanted to jump, so they pulled Holly and myself with the coolers to the other side of the river so we could watch. Overall it was a great day in the sun and the only one who came out with a nasty burn was Jared. *he forgot to reapply on part of his back*

Holly and Tyler

Jared and Trevor

Holly and I on the same innertube before we almost fell off!

This picture is cool because the camera was under water.

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