Monday, October 19, 2009

4 is 4 to many.

Wednesday Oct. 14th: In the morning I had recieved an email from Karen (my co-worker) If I would like to accompany her to a tasting at a catering company that we used to use. Of course I can't pass up free food so I told her that I would love to go. They were doing a "Christmas in October" theme so you could get an idea of ordering around your holiday events. It was kinda of wierd walking into the building and it was filled with christmas lights, music, decorated trees, and the smells of the holiday. It was a great atmosphere but since we haven't had Halloween yet, it was a little strange. We went in back to the kitchen and sampled the great tastes of turkey, cranberry chicken, glazed ham, potatoes, salads, rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce, cake, cookies, and much more. It was a FABULOUS lunch! Not to mention I had good company and it was fun to get away from the office.

On our way back to the office, after we just left the catering event, we were waiting to turn right. (The light was red of course and traffic was coming, so we were just waiting for a chance to go.) Karen was driving, and if you have ever driven stick shift you know that if you take your foot of the brake you will move just a tiny bit. She did just that, and the lady behind us Rearended us! It was such a shock and the first thing out of Karen's mouth was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"  I immediately started laughing because just earlier in the week she was rearended and her other car was in the shop. Two rearendings in a week is pretty brutal, but the way she said it was just so funny! I got out of the car to inspect the damage (there was none) and the cooky lady tried to make it out to be our fault in a way. She said " I saw you move up a few inches so I went" (like I said the car barely moved when she released the brake) Since no damage was done and everything seemed so innocent  we left and went back to work.

Well my back started to hurt and by the time I got home I was laying on the couch with a heating pad to make it feel better. The next day it felt a little worse so I brought my heating pad to work and called the doctor to make an appointment. They told me that because it was within the 48 hour time period that I had to go to the ER to get checked out. So that night Jared and I grabbed some dinner and prepared for a long wait. We got there at almost 7 pm and they didn't even take me into be seen until a little after 9. I told him that I was having neck pain as well, but because of my previous injuries from accidents, I always have a contstant pain that runs down my spinal area on my neck. Especially when it gets tense. (I shouldn't have told him that) Because of the spinal pain that earned me a C collar until the doctor told me that I could take it off. Those neck braces are BRUTAL! It was making me hurt worse than when I came in, and since I didn't have any pain meds or my heating pad, I was one unhappy camper. When I was seen I ended up taking off the brace without him saying so because I was in so much pain. He poked around at my back and said "oh your fine it's just really inflammed and irritated because of the impact of the crash and your pre-existing injuries. Just take the motrin and vicodine that I am going to prescrib, and you will be back to normal in a couple of weeks" All that waiting for that! But I would much rather hear that nothing was wrong from them than have something happen later because I think everything is fine. I really wanted them to take x-rays just in case but they didn't. It just made for a long night, we didn't leave the hospital until after 11. So I am just sore and thankful that it wasn't anything worse than it was.

Jared was Basking in my pain!

Yeah this pretty much sucked!

My car accident count is now to 4 and I hope that it doesn't climb any higher. With a roll over, T-Bone, and two rearends under my belt I think I have had more than my fair share. The crazy thing to me though is that I have lived in CA for almost 4 years and I have been lucky to not have any accidents and then just this year alone I have been in the two rearends. It's wild.


Anonymous said...

Dang! Hopefully you won't have anymore. It is so crazy how the tiniest bump can make you hurt so much. Hope you start feeling better soon!

Crazy In Love said...

I am so glad you are ok! Take it easy this next week and let yourself heal. I hate ER's SO much and so I completely sympathies with you on that :(