Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Computers and Pole Dances

The title really tells it all! Just kidding it's a bit confusing I know. It goes a little something like this.....The president of the company that I work for, brought in his laptop from home, and needed to have it wiped out. He was asking to give it to the computer guy that comes in to fix our computers while he was on vacation to Europe. Well his assistance *Kate's the best!* Volunteered me to be the IT girl. So the whole time he was out, I burned his stuff onto disc's as a back up, and then did a complete system wipeout. He came back a few days early and said he would be in the office later in the afternoon yesterday. He wanted to have his computer back. I finished everything up and gave him a rundown on his "new/old" machine. He then handed me $100 dollar bill. I was shocked...I didn't expect anything out of it. I told him that I wasn't sure if I could accept that but he insisted. So I took the bill beaming and went home for the night. It worked out for me because my cousin signed the bridesmaids up for a 3 hour poledancing class for the bachelorette party. I have always wanted to do this because I heard it's a great workout while you are having fun. I was getting concerned because I wasn't sure I had the money. So thanks so some computer know how...I'm going Pole Dancing in Vegas! haha can't will be so fun!


Natayle Brown said...

ha ha would it be okay if i said i was jealous? i want to take pole dancing classes so bad! i just don't want to go by myself. have fun!!!! and don't take it up as a 2nd job :)

Jennilyn Proulx said...

That is so funny! As I kept reading I was expecting you to put something funny on your boss' computer! My friend did the pole dancing thing too. She loved it and lost a little weight! But she called it "Adult Jazz Class"! haha!