Thursday, April 16, 2009


So I realized that it's been forever since I have updated everyone on the healthy living I am trying to do. I am still currently going to the gym almost every day for at least an hour. I have uped my cardio to 30 minutes from 20, and I still do weight training every night. I also have been doing tanning on the side, It's really not the healthy living but I sure do look good golden brown! :D So it's been about a month and a half and I have been getting a little frustrated. I didn't feel like there were any results besides me feeling a little bit better every day. Every time I would weight I kept gaining weight and then I would get mad but I kept going. But then I slowly started to see that I have lost inches in certain spots and they aren't as large as they used to be since my muscle finally built up enough to have a result. Last night I weighed in again and kept my fingers crossed....I Lost 4.9 Lb!!! Finally something!

1 comment:

Jess & Tal said...

Hey sweets! I'm with ya on this. I hate diet and workout programs. Its like gosh, why can't the weight just come off in a week! Way to stick with it, I admire you for it, cause I try a plan for like 3 days then bag it. Ha. I get too frustrated. Sounds like an awesome gym though, I'm jealous!