Thursday, April 2, 2009


On Monday, Jared has his 3rd surgery of the year. (I think he is going for a record or something) Apparently he has what is called GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It's been a problem for him his entire life but is now finding out the exact cause, it seems to be getting more worse as he gets older. Every time he eats food he burps/throws it up afterwards *GROSS I KNOW* It's kind of sad though and very embarrassing for him. SO....after looking into this for quite some time, action is being taken. Monday morning at 10:30 he went in for a throat scope. We arrived at the hospital at 9:00 am, checked in, and got prepped so they could take him away. He is always so calm about this kind of thing since he practically lives at the hospital recently with all of his medical problems. If I was in his position I would be freaking out ;) They put him under and ran the scope all the way into his intestines. They had to cut a small piece of the intestines so they could make sure that he wasn't glutten intolerant *I hope not, glutten free food is discusting!* after about an hour I was called into a private waiting room where I could finally watch tv and they wheeled in his bed with a very sleepy/ out of it Jared. Surprisingly the first thing Jared said to the nurse was.."hey man, could you check on where my underwear went...I think you guys lost it when I had to change before I got put under." hahah how random is that! But sure enough, they lost his chonies. he very concerned about this issue though and kept asking for them but later doesn't recollect any of it. LOL He slept almost the whole day and his throat has been sore for the past couple days but he came out of part one surgery just fine. On April 13th he goes back for X-rays and after that they will proceed with Full out surgery where they will cut a piece of his stomach or something like that to fix the problem...poor guy....

1 comment:

Natayle Brown said...

haha courtney, i know this is a sad thing to be going through, but i can't help but laugh! hahahaha where is my underwear? that is hilarious!