Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Citizen's Arrest....Almost...

A few months ago I was in Walmart with Jared before going to an event downtown. We grabbed a bite to eat at the McDonalds (yeah not my first choice...ever)  and was headed out of the store. Jared was walking a head of me so he did see the fiesty moment happen lol.

As I was walking out, a women walked into McDonalds with her young daughter. She had a cart full of groceries, and her purse was sitting in the child space wide open. Being the trusting country woman that she was just left her cart half in walmart and half in the restaurant and then simply walked away from it. After living in San Diego..i am not that trusting no matter where I go so being a good citizen I kept an eye on it. An older guy walked into walmart and saw the purse opportunity and thought he could get away with it. He got all suspicious and would look around then inch toward the cart. Meanwhile the lady just had her back to the cart and was ordering her dinner with no care in the world. He looked around again and inched to the cart....the whole time i was staring at him just waiting for him to touch the purse.

Let me tell you..i am a mean S.O.B :) I survived the torture of the Marine Corps and i will defending our fellow man if i have to.

Jared finally caught on that I wasn't right behind him and came back into the store looking for me. I was planted to the ground watching this guy like a hawk  even though Jared was yelling at me to hurry so we wouldn't be late. After inching to the cart 3 or 4 times the idiot looked up and realized I was glaring at him. He gave me this fake smile and hesitated to turn and walk away. After a few short seconds he realized that was best for him and went into the store. I turned to Jared and he was like "Dude what was that all about? If you were a dog your hair would have been standing on end!"  I just laughed and told him what happened. I was ready to go all Waterboy's mama on him and citizens arrest his ass if he touched that purse :) I strongly believe that if more people did things like that to help each other out, then maybe this world would be a better place.

moral of the story....Don't mess with me lol

1 comment:

Cam said...

I love love love this!!!! I'm always so scared my purse is gonna get stolen!!! Love that you wouldn't take your eyes off of him!!! Good Job Courtney!!!! WHOOO!!!