Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quietly gave Thanks, and more..

Seeing as it's December 12th, I figured I had better catch up on the end of Novemeber festivities.

Our Thanksgiving was extremely quiet...maybe because I spent almost the entire day alone while Jared was out hunting haha. We didn't even start a dinner until after 3:00 pm and we didn't eat until 7. We normally pull out all of the fancy trimmings and what nots even for just the two of us. This year we did not. In fact, I didn't even take a single photograph, you all know that is just not like me. But we gave thanks anyway and took some time to reflect on our blessings and how much we appreciate everything.

After thanksgiving I have still been very very busy with life. School is going well, I now only have 1000 hours left and have been attending for 5 months. I am starting to see improvements on my abilities and timing. It's a good feeling! I am still a little stressed though because I have less time to pick it up than the other girls in my class and I am starting to double up on testing so I make sure that I make it through. I made a decision when I came onto the floor that I would save all of my tips and then cash them in for something awesome when I graduate. So far I think my count is going fantastic, I am up to $130 since October. Not bad for a dollar here and there :)

I am still working on a christmas project that I started like 3 or 4 months ago. I am making our family vacation pictures/movies into a dvd set to music. It's been a LONG process but I am almost finished. It looked so good in my opinion :)

My super awesome adopted little sister also just told me that is getting married last week. So now I am taking on the project of being a bridesmaid, taking/editing her engagements & bridal photo's, and fixing the hair for the wedding. I am so excited for her and can't wait to do it all.

Jared is still scruffy as ever and is still enjoying working at Kenyon Noble as their delievery driver. He was gone every second he could during hunting season and came home with a few deer because of it. He was pretty proud :) We had to buy a freezer as his christmas present to put the meat in. It will come in handy and save us some money. Especially because we can stock up more at Costco because we will have the room.

well that is pretty much it so far I think, I will post a picture update later.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are doing well! So crazy you've been there for 5 months. It goes by so fast!

Kaylee and Phil said...

I miss you Courtney!!! haha just thought you should know that I desperately need to see you soon!