Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh the ups and downs of life

Lately I have been dragging my feet at updating my blog. I just have been feeling rather was feeling well...inadequate. I didn't want to write while I was upset and later regret it only to wind up deleting the post so I opted to just ignore it. but basically here is our life update.

Jared has been having things rough as usual with the Marines. I can't wait until they don't have entire control over our lives! Being in the military is a wonderful thing that most people are so proud of and just can't image life without that experience *usually tending to be a good one* However we have not been that fortunate. It has been a shit storm for us since day one. Most of you readers know Jared, and he is a great guy full of love. But for some reason we have been viewed as the shitbags no matter what we do. So in turn they treat him like that. It just breaks my heart because no one wants to see the one they love go through that and not being able to do anything. But I have to just sit back and let it happen. I so badly want to go tell some people where to go and how to get there ending with a nice big punch in the face but I can't. I don't know about all of you but would you not be emotionally attached since this is the life you have to face each day? Well since I am, Jared gets upset and feels like he can't talk to me about his day because it is always so bad and they treat him so poorly. They are trying to make up excuses to not promote him even though he should have been promoted 3 years ago. It's just very frustrating. Dispite all of the negative in this experience some positive has come from it as well. Jared and I have grown so much. I have learned to be independent and live alone yet still manage our entire family, bills, and life in general. I HATE HATE HATE when people complain that their husbands have to leave for a few weeks at a time even though they still get to talk to them at night on the phone. And I hate when people are like "Oh I miss him so much" ok so when was the last time you saw or heard from him? " oh yesterday!" AAhhh that eeks me. lol I am just bitter I guess, but that isn't that bad. Jared goes in for his next surgery on July 6th and they will have to keep him over night just to make sure that everything goes well. My poor Boo...he has been under the knife so many times within the last year. But anyways that is my rank for the day about the Marines lol Sorry readers.

Things for me have been alright. I have been really busy with work lately. I think that another reason I have been so down was because I was feeling very underappreciated at work and then with the military consuming our life it was just hard to stay on the top end. I fell to the bottom and like always I am working my way back to the top. I still have been going to the gym almost every day. I make a point to go at least 4 times a week. It's such a great feeling when I walk into the gym and they all greet me by my first name and ask how things are going. *that goes to show you how much I am there* So far the scale isn't tipping the way I would like it to but I have lost inches and I have been told that there is improvement even though I don't feel like there is. But Hey if you can't tone it...Tan it! And I certainly do! I have also been sewing lately. I have made a few baby blankets. One for a friend of mine and one for my brother's baby. He's due July 26th so that is exciting.

Tico is doing well. He learns new words daily it seems like. He has a lot of pin feathers coming in so he has been a little fiesty lately and when Jared left for Seattle he grabbed my hand when I was going to put him in the cage. That is the first and only time he has intentionally grabbed anyone in the 3 years that we have had him. He is so great though and never ceases to make me laugh! I will have to post a video of him talking.

Well readers there is a lot more going on in our lives but this is becoming a novel and I'm sure you are all bored ;) I hope that blessings pour into your lifes and I will be checking up on your blogs almost daily!



Anonymous said...

Don't you just LOVE/HATE the military and there GAAAYYY rules and LACK of courtesy. UGH! I haven't had situations like this but there have been a few times where I wanted to give someone a piece of my mind and kick where it counts. Hopefully things start looking up for you guys! When can he get out of the military??

Anonymous said...

So I was thinking from the last comment you left me. Maybe you could do a raise/donate some money pedi so you could come home and not be homesick anymore!!! :)