Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just Cuz It's Wednesday!

My husband is the cutest! I can't express how much I love him!
So on tuesday morning we had a small argument in the morning before I went to work because he was being testy and thought that I took a tone with him when I asked a question and I didn't. I called him on my way to work and asked him what was going on and we came to terms. Well at work I didn't have much of a better day, customers refused to go to voicemail and kept tearing into me for stupid things that I didn't have a clue about. Well around noon I got a call on the cordless cuz I wasn't at my desk and all they said was "Go to your desk" and they hung up. So I went to my desk and this is what I saw...

I was like what in the heck....and then my Hubby came around the corner carrying a bag with a lunch in it for me. He said" I feel so bad about the way that I acted this morning and I was on my way home from my doctor appointment and saw the exit for Palomar Airport Road and had to come see you. I knew that you didn't take a lunch this morning so I thought it would be nice to bring you one and we can eat together." It was so cute! I needed that so bad from the day I was having. The red carnations smell so good.
The next day I went to work all prepared to hit the ground running. I had a "To Do" list on my desk that was about 3 pages long to prep the office for our upcoming event. I clocked in and started trying to eliminate things from the list one by one. I was there for a couple of hours when Wendy did an all call page asking me to call her because I was upstairs. She said that my husband was on line 3. "What's up baby" I said. "I'm just on my back from my second doctor appointment and thought that you might like some lunch again" Can you believe that?! He came to see me two days in a row and brought me lunch! How cute is that! When he got there Mari (the next door business receptionist) escorted him to my desk because our side entrance was being carpeted. I looked up from my computer and there he was standing there lunch in hand with a beautiful bouquet of flowers! my eyes got big and I said "Booby? What are those for?" He looked at me with the dimpled grin and said "Just cuz it's Wednesday!" I melted! I love him more than anything...I would do anything for that boy! Here are my wednesday flowers that I am keeping at my desk. He picked them out and arranged them himself!


Denise said...

How cute! I love it when husbands do little things like that...they usually pick the times that you really need it too :)

Anonymous said...

That is so dang sweet! What an awesome husband you have!! The flowers are all so beautiful!

*Cam* said...

Courtney-I came upon your blog (hope you dont mind I'm gonna look at it! :))

Your husband is so sweet!! You are a lucky girl!! Thats so sweet that he would even think of doing that!!!

*Cam* said...

Yeah-I like hair school I just don't like my school that I'm at. I wanna transfer but its a really dumb decision money wise. so I'm just tryin to stick it out. Thats awesome that you like already have connections and everything!! How do you like doing nails? I LOVE doing nails!! We don't get a lot at my school-so I mostly do mine or friends. hahaa