Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"Thank you for calling Eufora, this is Courtney, how may I direct your call?"

Just a short year ago I started saying that phrase, and I have said it millions of times since then. I have even said it while answering my OWN cell phone a couple of times. haha That is commitment! I can not believe that I have been working at Eufora for an entire year! It seemed like just a couple of weeks ago, I started my journey with the company, and was feeling so very out of place. I remember when I started that everyone was leary to talk to me or try to get close since this position has had quite the turn over rate before me. I started coming into my own a few months later. One of my greatest memories was when we had a lunch for the company and the owner (Don) turned to me and said " Do you ever talk? You've been here a few months and I don't think I have heard you say a damn word." haha Oh how wrong he was! I have been so thankful that I found this job and that I have accomplished every goal that I set when I started. I have become so close with a few of my co-workers and I am going to miss them so terribly when we move to Montana. I just wanted to take a moment of my day to reflect this past year and express my excitement and gratitude. There has been up's and down's just like anywhere else in life but it has truly been an experience I will never forget.

1 comment:

Jennilyn Proulx said...

Time flies when you're having fun right!?