Monday, June 20, 2011

Pulling Life Together

That's a whole lot of state! 

And I was spread out through all of them :) When we moved to CA we wanted to keep our Wyoming residence to we didn't bother moving anything over. 

Then after leaving the military and starting life in Montana, it didn't look very good for us. 
Jared had a wyoming driver's license & plates, and a california phone number. 
I had california plates & phone number, and a wyoming drivers license.

 We tried to refinance our car loans when we got here and the guy just looked at us and said "I'll be honest guys, this doesn't look good. You are all over the place, it's hard to prove that it's really you." 

So after months of trying to pull together, we are officially now in one state. It's the first time in 5 years since we have been that way. It makes life easier not being strung from Mexico to Canada haha 

1 comment:

New Adventures Await Us... said...

"I'm gonna be honest this doesn't look good guys." Pretty funny! ha I was like that for a while too. ha Utah number and Wyoming drivers license ha At least it is all in the US and it isn't like you looked like an immigrant. :) Glad you guys are liking Montana though!!