Friday, September 4, 2009

Jared's Birthday

I'm falling behind with my posts! We had an exciting week of Jared's birthday, It went a little like this.

Monday night we recovered from getting back from Vegas, Tuesday night Jamie came over and we made Jared a strawberry freeze cake for the birthday bash. Then we watched Leroy and Stitch. *Jared just downloaded this disney pack of movies, so now we have like 200+ disney classics, even dating back to the 1930's.*  Wednesday night was Luke's homecoming BBQ, which I already posted about :) Thursday was the big birthday, August 27th!  Jared got the day off and spent it hanging out with Luke. When I got off work he was a little down because of a bad visitor he just had at the house...But we wont talk about that...I carried a huge load of presents up the stairs and had to "knock" on the door with my foot for Jared to answer. He opened the door and his eyes grew wide as I carried in the gifts.
He is so loved!
I pulled out the freeze cake and sang to him all by my lonesome, then he opened his gifts. Then it was rush rush rush to get ready so we could go to a play at the midnight amphitheatre. Denise *my friend's mom* bought me tickets to go see  a play for my birthday. For the play that we chose we were able to go see it on Jared's birthday. Even though our birthday's are 3 1/2 months apart. :) We did a drive through run at one of our favorite hole-in-the-wall  mexican restaurants for Carne Asada Fries, then headed to the outdoor theatre.
We watched a rather different spin off of Phantom of the Opera. It was really good and the singing was amazing! Our events made Jared's night. Overall it was a great birthday but the fun wasn't over yet....Friday night he went to the airport to pick up his dad, and we went out to eat at Anitas. Saturday we woke up for breakfast, looked at the new Audi that Craig wants, went home and watched Jaws to put the boys in the right "mood", then Jared's friends came over, and they all headed out to go on a shark fishing trip until midnight. They had a great time even though they didn't catch anything. And to put the icing on the cake...Jared got promoted a few days later. Good time for the Hubs...I love him so much!
Enjoying the Rock Band I gave him
The Shark Fishing Gang. *Gavin, Tyler, Jared, Craig, and Luke* Luke is missing since he took the pic.

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