Saturday, August 29, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

This past weekend we went to Las Vegas to spend some time with my cousin Annika and her Fiance Roger.
 What a fun weekend trip!
I got off work at 12 because of summer hours, so I rushed home to pack our things, and get them loaded into the car so that we could just leave when Jared got home from work. We got kind of a late start, we didn't end up leaving until 3:00 because they wouldn't let Jared off work. But we loaded Tico in the back seat and off we went. Friday night we went out to eat at Chili's with everyone before climbing into bed. Saturday: Roger was having his groom's bbq and as I like to call it a "Bro"Shower. So we just kind of hung out, did a little shopping, played with Tico, and overall enjoyed each other's company until the party began. We dropped the boys off at my cousin Clayton's house and then Annsters and I drove down town to the stip. I haven't walked the strip since I was little, when we could come out to vegas to help my family move.  I'm pretty sure we walked about 12 miles :) We walked from Treasure Island to Excalibur. Along the way we stopped and watched the Siren's of TI show, Bellagio water show, and the Mirage volcano erruption. We ventured into the M&M, and Coca-Cola Shops, as well as Margaritaville. Unfortunately it was getting late and was too crowded to eat or drink. The boys called us later and begged for us to come get them so we left the strip around 11:30 pm. It was so fun, I'm so glad that we could do that.  Sunday: We got up and went to breakfast and then gambled a bit at the casino. I suck horribly! On our way home we got caught in a lightning storm just outside of Vegas. The last storm I saw was in vegas about 2 years go when I took Mellisa home with me while our boys were in Iraq.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Haha The pictures of Jared and Clayton in the bathroom sitting on the floor are crackin my up. Silly boys.