Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Road Rage.

I have often found myself giving the knife hand (as pictured above) to people here in California. I have acquired some intense road rage while living in the city and dealing with crappy CA drivers.

Over the last weekend Jared flew back to Wyoming to go to a cousin's wedding. If any of you have flown recently then you understand how high the pricing is! To fly out of San Diego which is only 30 miles from our house was over $500, but to fly out of Long Beach which is more like 68 miles away from our house was $340. So guess who gets to drive Jared to the airport....Yup...This girl! I was slightly annoyed the day Jared left so I was already in a bad mood and the whole way there the south lanes of traffic was stop and go. I told Jared "You see what you are going to be putting me through when I drive home! I hate rush hour!" We got to the airport just in time for him to board, so I just dropped him off at the terminal and then headed to the gas station before starting the long haul home. Well two minutes later Jared called me and said "Come back...they wont let me get on the plane." So me..Being annoyed as I was..Flipped out! "why wont they let you board? That is rediculous! You tell her that you paid to fly out of Long Beach and that is exactly what you are going to do!" That sort of thing except it involved fouler language....Yeah my rage that night was embarrassing I know. So I go back and get him and he explains to me why they wouldn't let him board. I guess there is a two hour boarding policy that we weren't aware of with U.S. Airways. They want you to be there within that two hour time before your plane actually leaves. When he purchased his tickets online we didn't see that so they wouldn't let him on. He was nice to her though and she booked him a flight in LA without charging him the $100 late fee and $60 rebooking fee.

So here we are driving to Los Angeles on a friday night trying to make it to the airport in time. That was the first time I had ever been to LAX, I didn't realize how massive that airport was. I always figured it was big but not that big. Again I dropped him off at the terminal and started home. I was leaving the airport and my gps told me to keep right...then as I am passing an exit it tells me" Take ramp right" Hmm...So I drove into LA a little more and finally found my way back onto the freeway. Not surprisingly it was bumper to bumper and everyone was doing 3 mph. I was slowly trying to inch my car onto the freeway without anyone taking me out, before the lane I was in turned into an exit *The last thing I would want is to be lost in LA even with a garmin!* You know how sometimes lanes just suddenly shift in the big city? well mine did that and I ended up on the exit anyways. I immediately freaked out and was trying harder to get over. A Nissan Titan ,whom was going entirely to fast for that many cars on the road, came flying up behind me then slammed on his brakes to avoid running me over. Mind you, he is ten times the size of my little RX8 so I was very nervous. After almost crashing into me he laid on the horn and started to throw up his hands *like the knife hand* and flipping me off. The whole time his window was open and was yelling obscenities at me. It was aweful! Well later in my trip home I almost had my mirror ripped off by a bullet bike who decided to go flying past me doing at least 80 mph While we were all still in rush hour. That trip took me almost 3 and a half hours to get home. Then on Suday I had to go pick him up and I did the whole thing over again.
I swear Road Rage is a contagious disease. Little things on the road just piss you off, like the guy in the Titan, and Myself with people not using a blinker or that pull out in front of me. Moral of my story...I need to learn to control this better.

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