Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy St. Patricks Day.

There was no Irish dinner, green beer, or celebration this St. Patricks Day for me.
Instead a wonderful friend came to my lonely aid and helped me pack my house a little bit.
While Jared was in Arizona celebrating a wedding and drinking green beer from a Keg, Kate and I ordered in some Domino's and bubble wrapped until we ran out of tape, boxes, and bubbles. After we had no more supplies and filled our tummies, I colored her hair. I LOVE to color hair...I can't wait until I do it for a living. I hope you all had a great St. Patricks day no matter what you did. Although I had no party celebration it felt really nice to have some help packing finally. I am feeling more acomplished with this move every day. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I definitely know what you mean about the packing. It always seems like I get more packed when I have people there with me helping me. Probably cuz they are packing too and they just put stuff in boxes instead of being organized about where stuff is at. ha