Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Beautiful Dress

The Marine Corps' 234th Birthday is coming up quickly and that means that it's Marine Corp Ball time. They do the Ball every year to celebrate the birthday of the "beloved" Corps. I went to my first ball as a newlywed in 2006. The second year of the ball Jared had just gotten home from Iraq and missed it. The 3rd the guys were training to deploy to Japan, so they put on a "dining out" dinner in it's place (didn't even compare), Then now, my 4th and final year to go to a ball and be apart of the active silent ranks. We technically wouldn't have been able to go because Jared would have been out of the Marines before the birthday came around, but with us being held here until sometime next year, we are able to make it. But then comes the stress, you have to get the uniforms ready, find a dress that compliments his uniform (this ball isn't like's not about the's all about the Marine), and if you plan to drink then you better find a hotel room. :) When I went looking for a dress, it is clearly the wrong time to do so. All of the dresses right now are short cut, almost cocktail/homcoming looking, and not at all the long formal that I am in need of. After a grueling and slightly depressing shopping day with my friend Kate, I found one! Here are some pictures of my elegant dress (plus I'm a little stoked that it's a designer dress and I bought it for a fraction of what it should have been)


Kaylee and Phil said...

oooh!!! I love it! Can't wait to see pics of you in it! You will look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I love the dress! You are going to look hott in it! :) Can't wait to see the pictures!

Crazy In Love said...

O it is so beautiful! I cant wait to see pictures of you in it :)

Jennilyn Proulx said...

Wow!!! I absolutely LOVE it!! I can't wait to see it on you!!! You're going to look stunning!!

Anonymous said...

That dress is really beautiful! Can't wait to see your photos from the ball! You are going to look absolutely stunning! :D